Saturday, September 13, 2008

Me and my shadow!

This was at night on the cruise.  That is really my shadow!  :)  

Well, my divorce is official.  Pretty crazy.  7 1/2 years of marriage and now its over.  It will take a while before I think it really sinks in.  But, I am ready to move on!  Thank you all for your support!  Love ya!


Tash said...

I know its been a rough road for you, i wish i could make it easier, but i know that there is a purpose to everything and one day ull look back and be grateful. until then keep your chin up and think TALL DARK LATIN lol hehe jk

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

you AND your shadow are beautiful! I love you and this will be for the best. You'll see!

I think you are fabulous!

Chelsea said...

Ahh, Holly, that is a beautiful picture. I'm sorry for all that you're going through. Obviously, it is for the best, but I'm sorry for all the pain that comes with it. Know that you are loved and you really are in my prayers.

Oh, I'm with Tash, TALL DARK LATIN. Keep on keeping on!

Jenny said...

So, I guess that means that you can move to Hawaii now, right? Come on girls help me talk her into it, who wouldn't want to live in Hawaii...

Just kidding, but not really...

Not to dish Tash or anything, but a tall dark polynesian, now that is what I'm talking about...